As I am starting to get happy with the setup of this Discourse instance, I thought I would take a moment to post a few thoughts on who I am and what I’d like this space to become.
If you’re reading this anywhere close to its publication, you know me. You’re either family or friend or otherwise an acquaintance. Welcome! Thank you for coming to this space I have set up!
I’d like it to be a space for conversation and sharing. While chat is available, and there are a few I chat with, I go long periods of time without talking to many more. I’d like to see that change a little.
I also think that some of the avenues we have for sharing those little moments and laughs - like Facebook - have become so full of spam as to be toxic. So I’d like to have a little corner of the web to have a safe space - free from advertising and algorithms trying to shove ideas in your face.
I want this to be a polite and respectful place in general. And while I intend it to be tolerant of fair ideas - indeed, I want to hear other perspectives and think about things from other points of view - I will also disclaim that extremist views and absolute free speech are not a guarantee. I will not accept fascism, racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, nor agism here. It’s the paradox of tolerance. But that said, other than low tolerance of bigotry, I otherwise want this to be an open space for discussion and sharing.
There are some categories that are set up that are intended for the lightest of internet sharing, such as the Memes category, designed for that funny image you saw and would like to share. Other categories such as Reading are intended to be more thoughtful - in specific, that category is to post about what you are reading, and perhaps spark a discussion on why others might wish to do so as well.
I intend this little corner to be my little personal home here, to post about how my life is going and communicate with some of you in that way.
If you need help in figuring out how the site works, the best place to post is perhaps in the General category for now. But if you’re having trouble, communicating anywhere you can - here or elsewhere - and I’ll be glad to try and help you.
So welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay and will find this to be a little home on the web for you. And if you like it, do not feel compelled, but feel free to invite one or two more that might also find a home here. And please feel free to share content where it seems appropriate, and request new categories where it might make sense.